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New Songbroker Playlist 'Iconic'

Don’t we all love to sing along to our favourite Kiwi song?

With the recent TV series Anthems currently airing on Prime TV, we thought it only fitting to compile our very own Songbroker ‘Iconic’ kiwi playlist featuring classics and ‘should-be-classics’ from Goodshirt, Rikki Morris, Maree Sheehan, Greg Johnson, Push Push, The Verlaines, Sneaky Feelings, The Changing Same, Jan Hellriegel, Cassandra’s Ears, Topp Twins, Look Blue Go Purple, Jay Clarkson, Dribbling Darts of Love, Gareth Thomas, Greg Fleming, Frank Jade, D-Faction, Glenn Moffat, Charlotte Yates, Evan Silva, Bone Collectors, Black River Drive, Calico Brothers, Grand Prix, Otis Mace, Halelujah Picassos, Jesse Wilde, TheSlacks, Riqi Harawira, Jonathan Crayford, Kevin Field, Paper Cranes and Payola.

To listen to ‘Iconic’ head over to the Songbroker Search Engine, or head to Spotify.

Iconic, NZ Music, Songbroker, Music Publishing, PLaylist, Iconic Kiwi Songs