Ariana Tikao to perform in NZSO Shed Series
NZSO has just unveiled the 2020 Season of performances and amongst the plethora of talent, Ariana Tikao will be performing the Philip Brownlee/ Ariana Tikao piece Ko te tātai whetū as part of the Shed Series - Wai with Hamish McKeich on conducting duties.
Premiered in 2015, Ko te tātai whetū is a concerto for orchestra and taonga puoro. Featuring Ariana Tikao, it tells the story of Tāne’s journey between the underworld and the world of the living.
Two performances will take place in Wellington on April 18 and Auckland on April 21. Tickets go on sale from December 6th.
To listen to Ariana Tikao head over to the Songbroker Search Engine.
For more information about Shed Series - Wai head here.