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Songbroker Welcomes Herriot Row

Songbroker is delighted to welcome the music of Herriot Row to the roster.

Herriot Row is the musical moniker of Auckland, New Zealand-based songwriter Simon Comber, who has previously released 2 L.Ps and an E.P under his own name.

His recent album Lesser Stars sees Comber test the limits of what can be written about in a folk song.

Tracks such as "Learning Not To Talk" (about the epiphany of a shared silence) and  "The Usual Business" ( a peek into the urban lives of preachers, prisoners, sailors and singers at twilight), showcase Comber's meticulous, poetic literary craft and gift for melody.

To listen to Herriot Row head to the Songbroker Search Engine. For more info about Herriot Row head to his Artist Page.

Herriot Row, Simon Comber