LA based singer/songwriter Jackie Bristow is set to release her album Shot of Gold on October 7th in the USA through MGM Distribution on digital, vinyl and CD.
At once heartfelt and sophisticated, Jackie's songs combine subtle but beautiful melodies and hooks that hypnotise the listener then stick around like a real friend.
Jackie says, “Shot of Gold, is an album of real stories and experiences in my life - songs of struggle, joy, love, loss and healing. I was living in Austin Texas when I wrote this album and was inspired by southern blues and country roots music and the people I met in great live music scene. I stepped away from trying to write commercial mainstream music and wrote stories from my heart and my life. This is why we recorded this album with raw and sparse production built around my live solo performances."
From October 7th Jackie is embarking on a U.S. album release tour. Dates below:
October 7 Paul Barker House Concert Series, Austin, TX, USA
October 8 Concert at the River House 8 PM, Spicewood, TX, USA
October 9 Gene & Janice Six’s House Concert Series 7 PM, Abilene, TX, USA
October 11 One 2 One 10.30 PM, Austin album release party, Austin, TX, USA
October 13 One World Theatre 7 PM, Opening for Lori McKenna, Bee Caves Rd, Austin, TX, USA
October 14 Dosey Doe Music Cafe, Conroe, TX, USA
October 16 Hotel Cafe, Hollywood, CA, USA
October 19 Tales From The Tavern Concert Series, Maverick Saloon, Santa Ynez, CA, USA
October 21 The Steynberg Gallery 7 PM, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
October 23 Live on KPIG Radio Noon, Freedom, CA, USA
October 23 Kiki Wow Presents , Carmel House Concert, Carmel, CA, USA
November 3 Songwriters in the Round, Genghis Cohen, Jeff Young, Rosa Pullman, Los Angeles, CA, USA
November 6 Sandia Bar, Corrales, NM, USA
November 10 Gary Good Presents, Kamps 1910 , Midtown, OK, USA
November 12 Gary Good Presents, The Magnolia Moon, Guthie, OK, USA
November 16 Belcourt Taps 9 PM, Nashville album release party, Nashville, TN, USA