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Mali Mali announces North Island shows

To celebrate the release of his fifth full-length album Spirit Tide, Auckland based experimental/folk singer-songwriter Mali Mali will play an intimate solo show at Wellington's cozy Vogelmorn Bowling Club and at Common Ground in Featherston, with support from Pōneke songwriter and Home Alone Label- mate Timothy Blackman.  

Mali Mali (Ben Tolich) had always felt a warm connection with the far north. With Spirit Tide he was captivated by the region’s overarching spirituality and the traditional Māori stories about souls travelling up the coast of Cape Reinga towards the afterlife. In a sense, this relationship between landscape and feeling helped set the scene for the songs that followed.

"This is existential anxiety moulded into unique and idiosyncratic songs which conform to no particular genre beyond downbeat, thoughtful and experimental indie.folk.
Mali Mali has developed into one of our unique voices and this album is a lure into his distinctive and singular world."
- Graham Reid / Elsewhere

Tickets are available now from Undertheradar.

Mali Mali, Ben Tolich, Spirit Tide, NZ Tour, nz music, Songbroker Music Publishing