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Sonbroker Welcomes CAROUSE

Songbroker is pleased to welcome CAROUSE to the fold.

Hailing from Aotearoa, New Zealand, CAROUSE’s quintessentially kiwi-pop anthems have a track record of filling dance floors across the South Island. 

His songs showcase hook-laden choruses mixed with articulate guitar rhythms inspired by the likes of Prince, John Mayer, Lenny Kravitz and Tom Misch, to name a few. A passionate writer, CAROUSE draws inspiration from his own past internal struggles after losing his mother at age 9. 

His blend of pop/groove, with soulful overtones are reflected in his releases ‘Absolute For Love’ and ‘On My Knees’. His next single ‘Odyssey’ is out in mid-March.

CAROUSE is currently in the studio recording his debut album Inside Out.

CAROUSE, Pop, Singer/Songwriter, Songbroker Music Publishing