Riqi Harawira presents new waiata and video ‘Whina - Walk of Freedom’.
With the full tautoko/support of the Cooper whānau and Te Rarawa elders, Riqi Harawira ‘Creative Native’ presents his new waiata alongside the music video ‘Whina - Walk of Freedom’.
Dame Whina Cooper (Te Rarawa) was known as ‘Te Whaea o Te Motu’, The mother of our country. She was an inspirational leader who spearheaded a hikoi/march from Te Hapua in the far north to the steps of Parliament in 1972. ‘NOT 1 ACRE MORE’.
“I hope everyone does not miss this amazing waiata presentation, a grand man singing the most historical story in music, “FREEDOM” so much aroha and koi I te hinengaro. CONGRATULATIONS RIQI”
Hinerangi Puru (daughter of Whina Cooper)
This track has a fusion rock vibe, which is key to Riqi Harawira's sound. Adding layers of guitars and a steady rock rhythm, Harawira has a knack for the new. His musical ability to share a kaupapa Māori message with his ‘Guitaiaha’ is a fresh addition to our changing Māori Music scene. Made with the support of Te Māngai Pāho, we were able to create something that celebrates a wahine with mana and a vital message.
The Music video is a tribute to Dame Whina Cooper and her mission to raise awareness around Māori land rights. She brought together a raft of kaupapa around racial equality, kaitiakitanga, the right to govern our land, the loss of mana, and many grievances. She put all her mauri/energy into a revolutionary Māori hikoi/march and galvanized it with the term ‘NOT 1 ACRE MORE’.
“Bro ... just seen the clip. I loved it. Really did. Great beats and anthemic feels. Given real weight and mana with the choice use of archive footage and sound. Yeah! Mahi tika ana e Riqi. Perfect timing for the release. Sits alongside the story we told in the film really nicely. I hope it goes well for you e hoa.”
E mihi nui ana ki a korua Tainui Stephens (Director of Whina-movie)
The official single release party takes place this Friday 8th July at Common Room Hastings.
DOWNLOAD ‘WHINA - Walk of Freedom’ - Here
STREAM ‘WHINA - Walk of Freedom’ - Here
WATCH a tribute to Dame Whina Cooper - MUSIC VIDEO - Here