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New Songbroker Playlist: Upbeat Folk

Keep your spirits up with our new Songbroker ‘Upbeat Folk’ playlist. So many stomping, uplifting offerings here to keep you positive, motivated, and energised. Featuring Paper Cranes, Eyreton Hall, Looking For Alsaka, Tattletale Saints, Great North, The Changing Same, Albi & the Wolves, Mali Mali, Into the East, Greg Johnson, Jason McIver, Heavy Blarney, Parabola West, Jocee Tuck, Erin Cole-Baker, Davey Beige, Echo Children, The Bollands, Five Mile Town, and Sven Olsen’s Brutal Canadian Love Saga.

Listen here.

Songbroker, PLaylist, Upbeat Folk, Folk, NZ Music, NZ Songs