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Sneaky Feelings new album The Mercury Moment

Sometimes there’s a pause in the darkening - just after twilight, just before night finally sets in.  A mercury moment of silvers and greys gives rise to the name of Sneaky Feelings’ forthcoming collection of songs.

After mining the past on their last album Progress Junction, Sneaky Feelings cast their gaze forward, setting out to ‘splain the state of humanity - its ludicrous hopes and the bleak future it manages to avoid facing - to a seemingly indifferent audience in an equally indifferent universe.   

Who better to uncover the beauty in redundancy, irrelevance, extinction and disappointed dreams than four aging, middle class, white dudes from the very bottom of the world?  That’s why they came. That’s why they’re here.  

The Mercury Moment is out this February via Flying Nun Records.

To listen to Sneaky Feelings, head over to the Songbroker Search Engine.

Sneaky Feelings, Progress Junction, The Mercury Moment, Flying Nun Records, Songbroker NZ