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New Songbroker Playlist - Dunedin Sound

According to Wikipedia, "the Dunedin Sound uses "jingly jangly" guitar-playing, minimal bass lines and loose drumming. Keyboards are also often prevalent. Primitive recording techniques also gave this genre a lo-fi sound that endeared its earnest music, but occasionally hard-to-understand vocal accompaniment, to university students worldwide."

Songbroker has put together a Dunedin Sound Playlist featuring integral contributors to the Dunedin Sound, including The Verlaines, Look Blue Go Purple, Cassandra's Ears plus Jay Clarkson, Francisca Griffin, Jan Hellriegel, The Prophet Hens, Certainty, Grawlixes, The Roulettes, Golden Curtain and Grand Prix.

To listen to the Dunedin Sound Playlist head to the Songbroker Search Engine.

Dunedin Sound, The Verlaines, Look Blue Go Purple, Cassandra's Ears, Jay Clarkson, Francisca Griffin, Jan Hellriegel, The Prophet Hens, Certainty, The Roulettes, Golden Curtain, Grand Prix, Grawlixes