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Songbroker Welcomes Superturtle

Songbroker are very pleased to welcome Superturtle to the fold.

Superturtle began life as a solo recording project for former Figure 60 and Chainsaw Masochist bass player Darren McShane. The first two demos were playlisted on 95BFM under the name 'Moonpopper' with both songs reaching the BFM top 10. 

The first album To The Rescue released in 2008, showcased the formative process of Superturtle with recording sessions fitted in between McShane's day job, as engineer and producer at Earwig Studios, an all analogue recording studio in Birkenhead , Auckland , New Zealand. 

First single , 'All Our Friends' screened on Juice , C4 , Stratos , Cue , and Triangle and on Air New Zealand flights. Various tracks were played on BFM's New Zealand music show , as well as National Radio and Radio Live. Kiwi FM also playlisted Superturtle on an ongoing basis, and 'Free Ride', 'Life's a Dream', 'Dead Or Alive' and 'Sad Sack' all making the top 10.

The sophomore album , About The Sun , was released on Sarang Bang Records with distribution and marketing by Ode Records.

April 2013 saw the release of Superturtle's third album Beat Manifesto, released on vinyl with a CD enclosed.

We look forward to pitching Superturtle's indie offerings to the world.

To Listen to Superturtle head to the Songbroker Search Engine.


