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Songbroker Welcomes Hopetoun Brown

Songbroker is thrilled to welcome Auckland parpin' pair Hopetoun Brown to the fold.

Hopetoun Brown members Tim Stewart and Nick Atkinson were founding members of Supergroove, but have recently found their groove as a blues, soul, horn duo, sharing the stage with Marlon Williams, The Violent Femmes and Weird Together, amongst others.

They've recorded hits with Tami Neilson and toured the length and breadth of NZ.

Trombones, bass clarinets, trumpets and saxophones are swapped and dropped as Stewart's powerful tonsils and heavy stomping shudder halls up and down the country.

Check out their first two albums Burning Fuse and Look So Good and stay tuned a new album soon.

They'll be touring Hauraki Gulf Islands with their genius buddy Finn Scholes in Early 2018 so keep an eye out.

To listen to Hopetoun Brown, head over to the Songbroker Search Engine.

Hopetoun Brown