With jonquils and freesias materialising from their dormant tubers and people emerging from their winter boltholes, we thought it only fitting to launch a Spring playlist to awaken the senses.
Auckland alt folk collaborators Eyreton Hall have just released the new single ‘Spaces’ , the title track from their highly anticipated forthcoming album.
We are delighted to welcome Eden Iris to Songbroker 💜⭐️! Eden has established herself as an exciting and unique artist both locally and internationally, and has supported legends such as Tami Neilson, Troy Kingi, and Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Check out her work here: https://search.songbroker.nz/artist/356204 #edeniris #edenirisnz #edenirismusic #nzmusic #nzmusicindustry #indie #indiemusic #indiemusician #musicformedia #songbroker #songbrokermusicpublishing #musicforfilm #musicfortv #musicforfilmandtv
💥Album of the day: Church of You - Paul Schreuder. A bit of blues, a bit of country… a bit of everything- this album is an interesting listen. Check it out on our catalogue here: https://search.songbroker.nz/album/7162103 #paulschreuder #paulschreudernz #paulschreudermusic #nzmusic #songbrokermusicpublishing #songbroker #nzmusicindustry #musicformedia #albumoftheday #songoftheday
🌟New single from @musicbymontgomery 🙌🏻!
☀️Click here to check it our on our catalogue: https://search.songbroker.nz/track/54657598
🌼Listen to it on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/album/17u9fMo2IdRR5f906r2vA0?si=94rXQD2hTXykYxtQykG12A
#montgomery #nzmusic #songbrokermusicpublishing #songbroker #nzmusicindustry #musicformedia #montgomerynz #montgomerymusic #musicbymontgomery #shy
Thank you to snowboarding company Burton Canada for licensing “Slug Song” by The Clean. Awesome stuff🙌🏻🔥🏂 🏔. To check out Burton’s website, click here: https://lnkd.in/em4zbrut, and to check out “Slug Song” and other hits by The Clean, click here: https://lnkd.in/eJHJS3uR #snowboarding #burton #burtonsnowboard #burtoncanada #burtonsnowboards #songbrokermusicpublishing #songbroker #theclean #davidkilgour #hamishkilgour #nzmusic
💫Album of the day: Baker’s Dozen - Barry Stalin.
The pseudonym for the instrumental compositions of multi-talented producer Simon Lynch, Barry Stalin’s works are an enigmatic fusion of genres. Check it out on our catalogue here: https://search.songbroker.nz/album/7655393 🔥🔥
#barrystalin #simonlynch #albumoftheday #songbrokermusicpublishing #songbroker #nz #nzmusic #nzmusicindustry