Songbroker welcomes Bear Cat
Songbroker is very pleased to welcome the songs of Bear Cat to the roster.
Josie Tuck and Dan Trevarthen met while working together at a record store.
When Dan's panda obsession burst into four chord pop music one day, Josie instinctively harmonised. They put songs on the internet. They're all about pandas.
They soon found their two piece pop band being asked to play shows around the country, venturing as far South as chilly Dunedin and back home, opening for touring acts like Andrew Bird and (Sufjan Stevens labelmate) Half-handed Cloud.
In 2009 they made top five finalists in a nationwide MTV band competition. They then released debut album Xiong Mao, revealing their love for the three chord pop of the Ramones and lush girl group arrangements.
To listen to Bear Cat head to the Songbroker Search Engine.