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When did you realise you wanted to make music?

I've liked music all my life, became acquainted with melodies and reading rhythms etc as a youngster, got really into rock albums years later, plus an interest in music blogs and RNZ sort of keeps me interested in new sounds etc.

Name two major musical influences and why?

sound + words. I can't definitely say I like two musical personalities above everything else.

What do you find most challenging about the creative process?

Collaborating with other musicians for live events and tours, not on a personal level, just the logistics and so on. NZ has many advantages globally, but travel costs isn't one of them !!

What do you want people to take away from your music? 

Depth, mystery, a bit of catchiness.

Whatโ€™s in the pipeline for 2016?

Getting my album mastered at Park Road Post in Wellington, completing the album graphics and being all, like, "hey, my albums done now!" to people, plus creating a music clip for the completed record.