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New Songbroker Playlist: Taonga Pūoro

Hirini Melbourne and Richard Nunns. Ngā Puna Waihanga: Records. Ref: PA1-q-1310-3349/12. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/42876217

Taonga pūoro is the name for Māori musical instruments. The name taonga pūoro means ‘singing treasures’. Taongo pūoro are highly valued, both for the beauty of the sound, the instrument itself and the story of the taonga.

Songbroker is very proud to administer some of Aotearoa’s leading kaitiaki of Taonga pūoro.

Our Taonga pūoro playlist features just a fraction of compositions from Hirini Melbourne, Richard Nunns, Ariana Tikao, Alistair Fraser, Phil Boniface and Riqi Harawira.

Listen to Taonga pūoro here or below on Spotify.

Taonga pūoro, Playlist, Songbroker Music Publishing, Richard Nunns, Hirini Melbourne, Ariana Tikao, Al Fraser, Phil Boniface, Riqi Harawira, Batt Music