Prime’s 5 part series Anthems: New Zealand’s Iconic Hits tells the stories of many of New Zealand’s iconic songs, with influential musicians and industry professionals sharing their behind-the-scenes take on the art of making music in Aotearoa.
The music industry has been massively transformed by the advent of the internet and Anthems: New Zealand’s Iconic Hits is the first series to look back on the recent years of New Zealand popular music with the fresh eyes and perspectives of this modern music world. Moving between past and present, the series reveals the collective experience of our music, not only investigating what we listen to and how we listen to it, but our very sense of what music is and can be.
Anthems: New Zealand’s Iconic Hits looks at how NZ hit songs transcend time and genre to connect so strongly, how they’re woven into New Zealanders’ lives and memories to become our taonga.
Anthems features iconic songs from Songbroker artists such as Goodshirt’s ‘Sophie’, Rikki Morris’s ‘Nobody Else’ and Push Push’s ‘Trippin’.